Cecily and Muhsinah Release “Spirit Tell Me” Single:

Cecily and Muhsinah Release “Spirit Tell Me” Single:


Listen now: https://ffm.to/spirittellme

The Single “Spirit Tell Me” released by Cecily is a very touching love song to her spirit. Her voice is splendid and very feminine. Her soft but strong voice is both mesmerizing and transforming. She hits the high notes easily but softly croons the more mellow refrains.

“Spirit Tell Me is the product of Cecily and Muhsinah, two women whos’ claim to fame is that they are successful singer/songwriters. Cecily has two Wammie’s (Washington D.C. area music awards). This song is the first release for her two part E.P., Awakening Pt.2. The two ladies are natives of D.C.

Cecily’s new release should top the charts. I look forward to her next release. Listening to this song was like an adventure, as the song progresses, you realize she describing feeling lost and using her spirit as an anchor. She decides to allow in inner self to guide her.

“Spirit Tell Me” is the kind of song that builds mental and spiritual fortitude before or during the battle for your future. Cecily surrenders to her spirt. This song is on the order of “I believe I Can Fly by R. Kelly or “Greatest Love of All” by Whitney Houston.

This is a popular song. Progressive music lovers will enjoy it. It is so esoteric, that it should simply be classified as lovely modern R&B music. It’s the music you play when you need to remind yourself, Life has ups and downs, but like always this too shall pass.


New Album AWAKENING Pt. 1 available now:




