Catfish Quarantine: What Do Nev And Kamie Miss The Most About Each Other?

Catfish Quarantine: What Do Nev And Kamie Miss The Most About Each Other?


Nev and Kamie are “working from home” and making brand-new episodes of Catfish from their respective residences (you can watch the duo in action beginning tonight). And even though their mission to investigate uncertain online relationships and help uncover the truth remains the same as seasons past, what do they miss the most about cracking cases side by side?

“I think what I miss about Kamie is what any of us miss about our friends, which is just seeing them and having those relatively insignificant, meaningless conversations,” Nev, who is with his family in Los Angeles, recently told MTV News. “Talking about current events, things that are happening in the news, meals that we’ve had, how we’re tired. Just small talk with your colleagues/friends. I miss the minutia.”

First and foremost for Kamie, she has sweets on her mind.

“He always has the candy jar,” Kamie, who is also in the City of Angels with her boyfriend and pup, revealed. “Chocolate snacks, at all times. And I feel like now that we’re not together, he still has them but I don’t.”

She continued, on a non-food note: “You can see that we have our brother/sister chemistry through the virtual episodes. But it’s so much more fun when we get to drive places together and hang out and bounce off of each other. It’s a lot easier in real life, but I’m still enjoying it over Zoom.”

And what will be the first thing they do when it’s safe to reunite?

“I know that there’s gonna be like over a dozen slang terms that I have to teach him that he’s probably missed during this quarantine. So we’re going to start off with education,” Kamie joked. “And then probably after that, eating. I feel like when we’re on the road, that’s something that we do a lot. We try new food places and try their food and explore.”

Do not miss Nev and Kamie when Catfish is back, beginning tonight at 8/7c! And check out a sneak peek of the installment below.