Boosie Badazz Goes Wild & Feels Up A Shop Mannequin

Boosie Badazz Goes Wild & Feels Up A Shop Mannequin


Boosie Badazz is wild… but you don’t need me to tell you that. The star of our upcoming reality series Badazz Boosie, Boo has been missing female companionship during the quarantine. Usually, he can be found shooting his shot at Rihanna on social media, praying that she finally opens her eyes and realizes that he is the one for her. These days, however, he’s more concerned with his own needs. 

The Baton Rouge rap legend has been missing some female touch in his life and he decided that, since non-essential businesses have started to re-open, he would head to the shop and catch a feel to mimic the real thing.

Boosie Badazz Goes Wild & Feels Up A Shop Mannequin
Bryan Bedder/Getty Images

“WHEN U NEED SOME PUSSY N MISS THE ONE U FUCKING,” wrote Boosie Badazz on Instagram. In the video, he gets up close and personal with a shop mannequin, pulling up her dress and getting a feel of her privates. 

It may be time to put the phone down, Boo. Nobody needed to see this and, to be honest, there will be a few people washing their eyes out because of it.

Hopefully, Boosie is able to get some action once the quarantine clears out because, man oh man, he could use it.