Billie Eilish Says She’s Working on a New Album, Releasing Her Documentary This Year: ‘I’m Terrified’
Billie Eilish won't be releasing a new album in 2020, but her sophomore full-length is in the works.
The singer was asked whether the album was coming this year on the red carpet at iHeartRadio's ALTer EGO concert on Saturday (Jan. 18), and she clarified her plans.
"This year, no, but I will be making it this year," Eilish said. "But next few years? It's coming. When it's made. It's not made yet."
Eilish, who joined Coldplay, the Black Keys, Blink-182 and more on the lineup at the Forum near Los Angeles, also spoke about her upcoming documentary, offering a "guess" that the film will make its debut in 2020 — although the idea has her feeling nervous.
"I've seen no part of it," she explained. "I'm terrified. I'm freaked out. They've been filming since like July of 2018 … Who has that much footage of them that they've never seen? I'm terrified."
In the meantime, she's got a Grammys performance coming up very soon, but she warns that she won't be arranging anything over-the-top for the big night.
"Don't get your hopes up," Eilish joked. "I mean, it'll be me, but it's not that much. It's just me … I'm excited."
Watch the interview clips below.
Billie says there won’t be a new album this year but that she will be working on one in an interview at @iHeartRadio’s #ALTerEGO pic.twitter.com/yfEoyojsxT
— billie eilish updates (@eilishupdates) January 19, 2020
Billie talks about her documentary coming out this year, which goes back to July 2018 in an interview at @iHeartRadio’s #ALTerEGO pic.twitter.com/GRq4FekfJE
— billie eilish updates (@eilishupdates) January 19, 2020
Billie talks about her GRAMMYs performance in an interview at @iHeartRadio’s #ALTerEGO pic.twitter.com/EzASIpY3Ug
— billie eilish updates (@eilishupdates) January 19, 2020
Billie talks about her GRAMMY nominations in an interview at @iHeartRadio’s #ALTerEGO pic.twitter.com/szLYZBvNyo
— billie eilish updates (@eilishupdates) January 19, 2020
Billie talks about getting to sing James Bond title song in an interview at @iHeartRadio’s #ALTerEGO pic.twitter.com/ZwFpYawwuK
— billie eilish updates (@eilishupdates) January 19, 2020