Beyoncé Blesses Reese Witherspoon With Even More Gifts Following Ace Of Spades Surprise
Earlier this month, The Golden Globes marked the beginning of an unexpected friendship between Beyoncé and Reese Witherspoon. After Bey and Jay showed up to the Moet-sponsored event fashionably late with two bottles of Ace of Spades champagne in tow, the power couple were kind enough to share their bubbly booze with their fellow celebs at surrounding tables. Legend has it, Reese asked Bey and Jay if they could spare some champagne for her and her The Morning Show co-star, Jennifer Anniston, after their table ran out of water. Though it seemed odd that champagne would quench the same thirst as good old H2O, the story was too good to question. It got even better when Reese revealed that, after the hilarious tidbit had gone viral, Bey and Jay decided to one up themselves by sending her an entire case of Ace of Spades.
It was a sweet gesture for sure, but nobody, including Reese, could have predicted that Beyoncé would be able to top it shortly after. After Bey unveiled some teasers of her Ivy Park x Adidas collection dropping this Saturday, plenty of celebs revealed that she had generously bestowed pieces from the collab line upon them. One such celeb was Reese, who, from the looks of it, might be Bey’s new favourite person.
Reese posted a video on Instagram on Wednesday of her and her mom, Betty, who also appeared in the Ace of Spades gift-opening video. Reese and Betty are shown trying to figure out what the mysterious, gigantic, orange package could be, throwing out guesses like, “art,” “balloons,” “a motorcycle,” and “movie posters.” After struggling to unsnap the cover, Reese tucks herself inside the massive box, reappering moments later decked out in Ivy Park x Adidas digs as Beyoncé’s “Formation” plays. In the caption, Reese thanked Beyoncé, and may or may not have officially joined her infamous fandom. “Does this officially make me the newest member of the #Beyhive? ? Thank you, @Beyonce for the #IvyPark swag!” At this rate, Reese’s whole house will soon be filled to the brim with presents from Queen Bey.