Azriel Clary Will Tell "Everything" About R. Kelly Relationship
Things are far from over for R. Kelly who seems likely to spend the remainder of his days behind bars. His ex-girlfriend, Azriel Clary, officially left his side last year following a dispute with Joycelyn Savage, the other girlfriend that they lived with.
Clary’s back home now, away from Kelly, and getting her life back on track after a tumultuous five years living with Kelly and Savage. Many have approached her to share her story, especially after Surviving R. Kelly parts one and two aired. However, it appears that she’s rejecting offers from any major network to use her own platform to share her story. Taking to YouTube, she shared a video called, “Intro – My Last 5 Years” where she announced that she’d be detailing “everything that I have experienced” and endured during her time with Kelly.
“Truthfully, I just feel like this man is in his 50s, k? And I am not the first person this man has done this to, ok? This is something that’s been happening since the 90s. This is something that’s been happening way before Aaliyah,” she said. “If he really wanted to change, he would spend millions and millions of dollars on a therapist and on getting help.”
The video she shared does include screenshots of text messages and details about how Kelly attempted to flip the cult allegations on Joycelyn and Clary. Watch the full video below.