AR-AB Receives New Sentencing Date On Drug Kingpin Charges: Report

AR-AB Receives New Sentencing Date On Drug Kingpin Charges: Report


Back in November, Philly rapper AR-AB was convicted for using his Original Block Hustlaz record label as a front for a drug ring operation, which implicated some murders and flooded the Philly area with heroin and cocaine. Looking at 15 years to life in prison, AllHipHop reports that AR-AB will find out his fate come May 28th when he stands before judge Michael M. Baylson for his sentencing.

AR-AB, along with three other O.B.H. associates, were accused of selling large quantities of cocaine around Philly while murdering their rivals to protect and expand their drug operation, which also sold meth, heroin and crack reports say. The rappers were accused of laundering the operation’s cash through the record label, as well as various properties, which also served as stash houses.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, prosecutors pointed to AR-Ab’s social media activity and songs lyrics to link him to a number of crimes. The feds showed jurors an Instagram post that showed AR-Ab and Blanding in California to allegedly purchase cocaine from their supplier. The posted was reportedly captioned: “I’ll make it snow in LA.” Prosecutors also highlighted lyrics they believe implicate AR-Ab in the 2017 murder of Robert Johnson, who was allegedly killed by AR-Ab crew member Dontez “Taz” Stewart.

We’ll continue to keep you posted moving forward.