Apryl Jones Shows Off Her Pole Dancing Skills
Everyone is handling this quarantine in their own, unique ways. Some people have decided to launch businesses, others have used the time to learn a new skill, and some are essential workers who are moving forward with (pandemic) business as usual. There have been plenty of jokes and memes circulating about the COVID-19 quarantine to help bring smiles to people’s faces during this difficult time, and many of them have to do with whether people are going to emerge from this with a bit of weight gain or weight loss.
Whether you’re taking advantage of snacktime or getting into shape is your business, but Apryl Jones has taken to the pole to make sure her body stays right and tight. The mother of two has been fraught with scandal over the past year due to her relationship with B2K’s Fizz, who just happens to be her ex Omarion‘s bandmate. With Love & Hip Hop Hollywood behind her—for now—Apryl is keeping her relationship status under wraps.
The 33-year-old reality star shared a few sexy clips to her Instagram Story on Thursday (April 16) that showed her using her quarantine time to practice a few of her “pole fitness” skills. Watch Apryl’s moves below and let us know how you think she did.