Anita Baker Vs. Babyface, A Twitter War Explained…Sort Of
Monday (June 12) was quite the day on Twitter, as Anita Baker—whom many thought had been hacked—took the time out to vehemently address harassment she claimed to have been facing at the hands of Babyface fans.
“Kenny’s Crazies,” as she called them, were reportedly terrorizing the 65-year-old after she clarified a few misconceptions about her Songstress tour. The “Whip Appeal” crooner is the opening/supporting act for Baker on said tour, but this is something the Rapture singer feels his fans aren’t accepting.
“Dearest one. You are Not, privy to *The Contracts*. Yes, Babyface is Special Guest/Support Act, on My Tour. This False Narrative, of A Co-headliner is creating Unrealistic Expectations & Aggression, from his fans towards me. He should tell you guys, the Truth,” she tweeted. Baker doubled-down on the narrative saying that Face was “contracted” by her manager to “HELP Expose him 2 [her] Arena Size Fan Base.”
“Kenny’s Crazies are online Bullies. @Babyface Please call off, your fans,” continued Baker in a series of tweets she fired off. “I have been Only Kind and Supportive, of You, as the Special Guest/Support, on My Tour.”
Baker also wrote, “As you can see… Some of his fans, are Not accepting of the Reality, that he is Contracted, as Special Guest/Support, on My Tour Some even want to hurt me… Crazyyyy. Town.”
She insinuated that the Girls Night Out singer’s fans were following him in a slave-master type of way, as she continued to tweet, “Out of Kindness & Community, you Gift them $200k worth of Production/that YOU Pay for… And, Still, they Complain & hold up, the show Annnd, Slander & *Villanize, Your name to social media blogs & press #Massa&Plantation.”
Later, she added, “There is A White man, behind these Grown Black Men… harrassing Me & Gaslighting, My Fans. Because he Cant take over, this Tour… sO? He wants to Destroy it. Kenny’s Crazy Narcissist. @Babyface call off, your Boys.”
It appeared the tirade stemmed from the incident on May 10 in Newark, N.J. when the show was delayed by two hours and Babyface’s set was cut entirely. He explained via Instagram that he was “asked not to perform in order to give Ms. Baker her space and time to perform her show in its entirety.”
While many thought this rant was unprovoked as they urged a publicist or someone to stop Baker, she tweeted a gif that read “Caution: gaslighting in progress” as she wrote, “P.R. ppl on my TL, wanting me, to hire them, to Help. This isn’t a P.R. Thing for Me… This is about Boundaries. And, Not, SHRINKing, when Strange Men, line up & threaten to hurt You. *Minimizing, The Threat*, by calling it, *A Beef*”
In conclusion, Baker isn’t letting “Kenny’s Crazies” get to her. She used a photo of the late Tina Turner to state, “Bullies & Abuse will never Stop you. Speak Up. Overcome. Thrive. Move On.”
Babyface, however, has not acknowledged any of the above claims or statements.