'Ride Or Dies' Will Be Tested On The Next 'Challenge'
Siblings, couples, amicable exes, best friends: These are some of the strong and unparalleled bonds between The Challenge Season 38 teams. Make way for pairs of ride or dies.
MTV today announced The Challenge: Ride or Dies will premiere on Wednesday, October 12. Hosted by TJ Lavin, the show’s cast — featuring returning fan favorites and bright-eyed rookies — will navigate the weekly mental and physical gameplay together for their share of $1 million.
These relationships will be put to the ultimate test as their teamwork, loyalty, and trust will be challenged every step of the way. In this game, it all comes down to who you trust and who has your back, because this season of The Challenge will either break bonds or tie two competitors together for life.
While Kailah’s husband Sam thinks they have the “upper hand” against the rest of the field because they are married, Survivor: Kaôh Rōng champ Michelle “wants this” desperately for herself and her partner Jay. And then there’s Devin, breaking down his complicated history with Tori.
“Enemies, frenemies, friends, ride or dies!” he exclaims in the trailer above. Perfect little summary.
Who exactly are the ride or dies vying for the next Challenge title? Check out the entire cast, below, and stay with MTV News as we approach The Challenge: Ride or Dies on October 12 at 8/7c.
Meet the teams:
Amber Borzotra
Instagram: @amberborzotra
Chauncey Palmer
Instagram: @c.palmerofficial
Nam Vo
Instagram: @nam.vo.official
Emmy Russ
Instagram: @emmyruss
Devin Walker
Instagram: @mtv_devin
Tori Deal
Instagram: @tori_deal
Fessy Shafaat
Instagram: @fessyfitness
Moriah Jadea
Instagram: @moriahjadea
Laurel Stucky
Instagram: @laurelstucky
Jakk Maddox
Instagram: @jakkofheartss
Kailah Bird
Instagram: @kailah_casillas
Sam Bird
Instagram: @samrobertbird
Instagram: @turabi
Tamara Alfaro
Instagram: @tamaraaalfaro
Nelson Thomas
Instagram: @_nelsonthomas
Nurys Mateo
Instagram: @nuryskmateo
Jay Starrett
Instagram: @jqskim
Michele Fitzgerald
Instagram: @mich_fitz
Horacio Gutierrez
Instagram: @horaciogutierrezjr
Olivia Kaiser
Instagram: @oliviaannkaiser
Kim Traenka
Instagram: @kim_tnka
Colleen Schneider
Instagram: @colleenschneider
Johnny Middlebrooks
Instagram: @johnny_llee
Ravyn Rochelle
Instagram: @itsravyn
Tommy Bracco
Instagram: @tommybracco
Analyse Talavera
Instagram: @analysetalavera
Johnny “Bananas” Devenanzio
Instagram: @johnnybananas
Nany Gonzalez
Instagram: @nanycarmen
Jordan Wiseley
Instagram: @jordan_wiseley
Aneesa Ferreira
Instagram: @aneesamtv
Darrell Taylor
Instagram: @darell_taylor_lb4lb
Veronica Portillo
Instagram: @v_cakes
Kaycee Clark
Instagram: @kcsince1987
Kenny Clark
Instagram: @officialkennyclark