Moving Man: Will Teen Mom OG’s Josh Join Mackenzie In Florida?

Moving Man: Will Teen Mom OG’s Josh Join Mackenzie In Florida?


Mackenzie just embarked on a big life change: The mother of three and her munchkins moved to Florida for “a job opportunity” during tonight’s Teen Mom OG episode. But will Josh join his wife and their three kids Gannon, Jaxie and Broncs in the Sunshine State?

“Josh has said this whole time, ‘I’m not going to Florida — I have work here,'” Mackenzie told her sister Whitney right before moving day. “Then last night, two days before I leave, he says, ‘Well, I can’t live without you guys. I think I’m gonna go.’

The sudden switch confused Mackenzie because she planned to make her leap solo and be a “powerful woman,” raising her children on her own.

Another issue: Josh had a hunting trip scheduled on the day Mackenzie and the kids were leaving town. Mackenzie called Josh on the eve of the big trip to discuss the plan and asked him a simple yes or no question about being with them in the Sunshine State.

“No — I don’t want to be in Florida,” Josh stated.

When Mackenzie asked Josh if he wanted to stay married — or if he loved her — he couldn’t exactly answer.

“Let’s see how this whole Florida crap goes,” he retorted.

But Mackenzie was adamant.

“If you’re not going to say, ‘Yes, I wanna be with you and I wanna come with you,’ then I’m gonna leave and block your number,” she declared.

His response: “I’m just not gonna go down there and be stuck with a bitch. I’m telling you right now. I’m not.”

And he stuck to his word — for now.

“He was really rude to me on the phone yesterday,” Mackenzie told her sister before departing. “You are not coming to Florida.”

But will that change? Could Josh join his clan permanently, or will he stay put and continue to live apart from Mackenzie? Keep watching Teen Mom OG every Tuesday at 8/7c.