NeNe Leakes Addresses "Secret" That Wendy Williams Shared

NeNe Leakes Addresses "Secret" That Wendy Williams Shared


NeNe Leakes is never going to spill her secret that Wendy Williams alluded to it on her show, but rest assured, it’s not what we think. Back in January, NeNe and Wendy were involved in a bit of a feud after the talk show host shared a text from the reality star with her live studio audience, in which NeNe simply told Wendy, “I’m quitting.” Wendy presumed that the text must mean that NeNe is quitting The Real Housewives Of Atlanta, and declared to her audience that this was the end of the road for the reality show’s fan favourite. However, NeNe quickly shut down these rumours, clarifying that she had not made any kind of final decisions about leaving RHOA. The following day, she took to Twitter to further address the situation, writing, “Private conversations should be left in private! What are girlfriends for if you can’t vent to them on those type of days.” The two of them eventually made up, but NeNe recently opened up about one comment in particular that Wendy made.

NeNe Leakes Addresses "Secret" That Wendy Williams SharedJason Kempin/Getty Images

When she initially jumped to conclusions about NeNe’s departure from RHOA, Wendy also mentioned that NeNe had some kind of “secret” that she’s keeping from the public. “I know what she meant, and I will never share it,” NeNe told PEOPLE. “I don’t even know why she even made it sound like that. It’s not even that serious.” She went on to confirm that the mysterious secret has nothing to do with her husband or her kids. “It’s not what people think it is,” she clarified. “People think it’s a health issue, maybe something’s wrong with my kids or my family, but it’s nothing. Everyone’s fine. My husband is fine. My kids are fine. We’re all happy and healthy, so y’all can just stop trying to poke around and figure it out, because it’s not worth your time.”

NeNe Leakes Addresses "Secret" That Wendy Williams SharedLars Niki/Getty Images for New York Women in Film & Television

NeNe went on to reiterate the sentiments she expressed on Twitter about the situation. “That was a private conversations and it should have stayed private,” she insisted. “Honestly, I did text her ‘I quit.’ And she just went right on the show and said, ‘She quit Housewives.’ She don’t know if I quit drinking, quit wearing wigs, quit sleeping with Gregg, the only words I texted her was ‘I quit!'” However, as soon as Wendy shared NeNe’s business on-air, she knew she had done her friend wrong. “Wendy is so funny,” NeNe noted. “I wasn’t watching that day, and my phone was blowing up with everyone saying, ‘Did I quit?’ And so I called her and Wendy, now let me tell you, she knew immediately she had f*cked up. She was like, ‘Um … what do I need to do? Do I need to call [Andy Cohen]? Do I need to meet you at a restaurant with the camera? I will come on the show to fix this! Are you upset? Please don’t be upset with me!'” Thankfully, NeNe forgave her, and they’ve since reconciled, but we still don’t know what on earth that secret could be.