Jordan Peele Sparks Spooky "Candyman" Trailer Rollout

Jordan Peele Sparks Spooky "Candyman" Trailer Rollout


Long before Destiny Child and Walter “Heisenberg” White were asking you to say their names, Candyman had that particular modus operandi all to himself. Deriving from the 1992 horror classic, which features a chilling score from Howard Shore and one of the most legendary horror villains in cinema history, the practice of saying Candyman’s name five times in a mirror quickly became an iconic practice. So much so that Jordan Peele naturally decided to carry on tradition, what with the imminent arrival of his upcoming Candyman film getting its first trailer this Thursday.

Jordan Peele Sparks Spooky "Candyman" Trailer Rollout

As one of the prominent directors in modern-day horror, Peele and his Monkeypaw Production company are the perfect guides for revisiting the notorious Cabrini Green projects. Said to be a “spiritual sequel,” the Nia DaCosta-directed film has already kicked off a totally on-brand and not at all scary marketing campaign. Peele himself shared the invitation Twitter, daring fans to type “Candyman” five times in order to access an exclusive clip. True, we’re talking a teaser for a trailer, but it’s the thought that counts.

Check out the clip below, and should you be brave enough to take up Peele’s offer, get those Twitter fingers buzzing. And speaking of which, if you haven’t seen the original film by now, be sure to add it to your watchlist — especially if you consider yourself to be a horror buff. Look for Peele and DaCosta’s revisitation of Candyman when it hits theatres this June.