Victor Cruz Weighs In On Odell Beckham Jr.’s Recent LSU Scandal
Odell Beckham Jr found himself in a compromising position recently while celebrating the LSU Tigers’ recent National Championship win. Beckham Jr. was in the locker room after the game and could be seen handing out money to some of the players. This goes against NCAA rules and many fans were up in arms over what went down. In fact, Beckham is currently being investigated by the school even though many people maintain the money he gave away was fake. OBJ also has a warrant out for his arrest thanks to an incident in which he smacked a cop on the butt.
TMZ recently caught up with former New York Giants wide receiver Victor Cruz, who gave his opinion on the whole ordeal. As Cruz explains, he doesn’t see what the big deal is about Beckham’s antics and that it seems as though people are always looking for reasons to go after him.
“At this point, it feels like they’re just picking on him ’cause he is who he is,” Cruz said. “His alma mater just won the national championship. Let him have some fun. I think he didn’t do nothing wrong … I think he’s good.”
Do you agree with Cruz’s assessment? Let us know in the comments below.