50 Cent Trolls Taraji P. Henson After ABC’s "For Life" Premiere
50 Cent‘s newly-launched ABC series For Life has the show’s executive producer reaching out to Empire’s Taraji P. Henson following the show’s debut. According to Nielson Social Content Ratings, For Life had a record-breaking debut this week. 50 Cent shared a text message exchange revealing his show was the “#1 most social series premiere of any primetime entertainment program on broadcast or cable so far this season.” As Fif’s success in the TV industry continues, he took this very moment to let Taraji know that he’s trying to work with her. “alright, alright, alright. see tell @tarajiphenson i want to work with her LOL,” 50 Cent wrote.
Fif and Taraji had a bit of a back-and-forth last month after the TV exec. and rapper took a few shots at her by comparing a picture of her to Cookie Jackson. Taraji clearly took offense to it, along with 50 Cent’s general beef with Empire since he looks at the show as competition but that didn’t stop the trolling. With 50 Cent’s ever-expanding resume as a TV executive, he trolled Taraji P. Henson even further when he revealed that he just sold FOX a show that would be replacing Empire.
Following the death of Kobe Bryant, 50 Cent that he’d be focusing on himself and his work, vowing that he is “not arguing with anyone anymore.” Clearly, that promise was short-lived.