50 Best Southern Gospel Songs of All Time
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Southern Gospel is a genre of Christian music that has a rich history dating back to the early 20th century. It originated in the Southern United States, particularly in the states of Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia, and has since spread throughout the country and beyond. The music is characterized by its four-part harmonies, which are often performed by a quartet or a choir, and its use of traditional instruments such as piano, guitar, and drums.
Southern Gospel songs often feature themes of faith, hope, and redemption, and the lyrics are typically written in a simple, straightforward style that reflects the sincerity of the message. The music is upbeat and joyful, and is designed to inspire and encourage listeners in their faith. The songs are often performed in churches and at gospel music events, and have become a staple of Christian radio stations and music charts.
One of the defining features of Southern Gospel music is its focus on vocal harmony. The four-part harmony is typically divided into the lead, tenor, baritone, and bass, with each part singing a different melody that blends together to create a rich, layered sound. The music also often includes call-and-response singing, where one member of the group will sing a line and the others will respond with a harmonized answer.
Overall, Southern Gospel is a cherished genre of Christian music that has touched the hearts and souls of countless believers over the years. Its uplifting message and joyful sound continue to inspire and encourage listeners around the world.
1. Amazing Grace
“Amazing Grace” is a hymn that has become synonymous with Christianity and is one of the most recognizable songs in the world. The lyrics were written by John Newton in 1772, and the melody was added later. The song’s message is about redemption and the transformative power of God’s grace. It has been performed by countless artists and has been adapted into various styles and languages. The simplicity and beauty of the melody, combined with the profound message of the lyrics, have made “Amazing Grace” a timeless classic that continues to inspire and comfort people of all faiths and backgrounds.
2. When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder
“When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder” is a Christian hymn that was written by James Milton Black in 1893. The hymn is based on the Bible verse from 1 Thessalonians 4:16 which says, “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.”
The hymn is often sung in church services and is a popular choice at funerals and memorial services as it provides comfort to those who believe in the Christian faith that they will be reunited with their loved ones in heaven.
3. The Old Rugged Cross
“The Old Rugged Cross” is a classic hymn written in 1912 by George Bennard. It is a beloved song in Christian worship and has been recorded by numerous artists in different styles over the years. The song reflects on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, and how his death and resurrection bring salvation to all who believe. The lyrics speak of the cross as a symbol of hope and redemption, and express the singer’s gratitude for the love and grace of God. The melody is simple and evocative, with a chorus that is easy to sing and memorable. “The Old Rugged Cross” is a timeless song that continues to touch the hearts of people around the world.
4. How Great Thou Art
“How Great Thou Art” is a Christian hymn that was originally written in Swedish by Carl Gustav Boberg in 1885. The hymn was later translated into English and has since become one of the most popular and beloved hymns of all time. The song speaks of the majesty and greatness of God and his creation, and it invites us to worship and praise him. The soaring melody and powerful lyrics of “How Great Thou Art” have made it a favorite among congregations and singers of all generations, and it continues to inspire and uplift people around the world.
5. What a Friend We Have in Jesus
“What a Friend We Have in Jesus” is a hymn that has been cherished by Christians worldwide for over 150 years. The lyrics were written by Joseph Scriven in 1855, and the melody was composed by Charles Converse in 1868. The song speaks of the comfort and peace that comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and encourages believers to cast their burdens and cares upon Him. The simple yet powerful melody complements the lyrics and allows the message to resonate deeply within the listener’s heart. “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” remains a beloved hymn that continues to inspire and encourage believers today.
6. Blessed Assurance
“Blessed Assurance” is a well-known Christian hymn written in 1873 by Fanny Crosby, with music composed by Phoebe Knapp. The hymn is a celebration of the believer’s faith and assurance in God, reflecting on the joy and peace that comes from trusting in His promises. The lyrics are uplifting and confident, expressing a sense of security and hope in God’s love and mercy. The melody is simple and memorable, with a chorus that is easy to sing along to. “Blessed Assurance” has become a beloved hymn and is often sung in churches and other Christian gatherings around the world.
7. I Believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary
“I Believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary” is a gospel song that has been a staple in Christian music for over 40 years. The song was written by the Gaither Vocal Band, consisting of Bill Gaither, Gary McSpadden, and Aaron Wilburn. The lyrics describe the profound significance of the cross of Jesus Christ, and how His sacrifice on Calvary’s hill has the power to bring salvation and redemption to all who believe. The melody is stirring and emotional, complementing the message of the lyrics perfectly. “I Believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary” is a timeless classic that continues to inspire and encourage Christians around the world.
8. It Is Well With My Soul
“It Is Well With My Soul” is a hymn that was written by Horatio Spafford in the late 19th century, after he experienced a series of devastating personal losses. The song speaks to the idea that no matter what trials we may face in life, we can find peace in knowing that our souls are anchored in faith. The lyrics evoke a sense of calm and acceptance, and the melody is soothing and uplifting. “It Is Well With My Soul” has become a beloved classic in Christian worship, and its message of hope and resilience continues to inspire people of all faiths today.
9. Because He Lives
“Because He Lives” is a Christian hymn that was written by Bill and Gloria Gaither in 1971. The song speaks of the hope and assurance that believers have in Jesus Christ because of his resurrection. The lyrics say that “Because he lives, I can face tomorrow / Because he lives, all fear is gone / Because I know he holds the future / And life is worth the living, just because he lives.” The hymn has become a favorite of many and is often sung in church services, especially during Easter season. Its message of hope and faith continues to inspire and uplift people around the world.
10. Sheltered in the Arms of God
“Sheltered in the Arms of God” is a gospel song that has become a popular hymn in Christian circles. The song was written by Dottie Rambo in the 1970s and speaks of the comfort and protection that believers find in the arms of God during difficult times. The lyrics are simple yet powerful, reminding listeners that God’s love is a safe haven in the midst of life’s storms. The melody is gentle and soothing, adding to the calming effect of the song. “Sheltered in the Arms of God” has been recorded by various artists and continues to be a source of hope and encouragement to many.
11. Victory in Jesus
“Victory in Jesus” is a Christian hymn that was written by Eugene M. Bartlett in 1939. The song speaks of the victory that believers have in Jesus Christ and the freedom from sin that his death and resurrection have brought. The lyrics say that “I heard an old, old story, how a Savior came from glory / How he gave his life on Calvary to save a wretch like me / I heard about his groaning, of his precious blood’s atoning / Then I repented of my sins and won the victory.” The hymn has become a favorite of many and is often sung in church services, especially during times of worship and revival. Its message of redemption and salvation continues to inspire and uplift people around the world.
12. I’ll Fly Away
“I’ll Fly Away” is a classic gospel hymn that was written by Albert E. Brumley in the early 20th century. The song’s lyrics describe the believer’s anticipation of being released from the struggles of life on earth and ascending to heaven after death. The melody is upbeat and catchy, and has made the song a favorite for generations of Christians. “I’ll Fly Away” has been covered by numerous artists, including Johnny Cash and Alison Krauss, and has become a staple of Southern gospel music. Its message of hope and the promise of eternal life continues to resonate with audiences of all ages and backgrounds.
13. The Lighthouse
“The Lighthouse” is a gospel song that has been a beloved classic in Christian music for over 50 years. The song was written by Ronnie Hinson and has been recorded by various artists, including Elvis Presley. The lyrics speak of the hope and guidance that believers find in Jesus Christ, who is likened to a lighthouse shining through the darkness. The melody is catchy and upbeat, making the song easy to sing along to. “The Lighthouse” has become a staple in gospel music and continues to inspire and uplift people around the world with its message of hope and faith.
14. He Looked Beyond My Faults
“He Looked Beyond My Faults” is a Christian hymn that was written by Dottie Rambo in 1967. The song speaks of the unconditional love and forgiveness of God, despite our shortcomings and faults. The lyrics say that “He looked beyond my faults and saw my needs / I shall forever lift my eyes to Calvary / To view the cross where Jesus died for me / How marvelous the grace that caught my falling soul.” The hymn has become a beloved favorite of many and is often sung in church services, especially during times of reflection and confession. Its message of God’s mercy and grace continues to inspire and uplift people around the world.
15. Midnight Cry
“Midnight Cry” is a popular Southern Gospel song that was written by Greg Day and made famous by Gold City Quartet in the late 1980s. The song’s lyrics describe the anticipation and joy that believers feel as they await the Second Coming of Christ. The melody is powerful and emotional, and the harmonies of the vocal arrangements are both haunting and uplifting. “Midnight Cry” has become a beloved hymn in the Southern Gospel tradition, and has been covered by many other artists in the genre. Its message of hope, redemption, and the promise of eternal life continues to inspire and comfort people of faith around the world.
16. Oh What a Savior
“Oh What a Savior” is a gospel song that has been a favorite in Christian music for many years. The song was written by Marvin P. Dalton and tells the story of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The lyrics describe the magnitude of God’s love for humanity and the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross to save us from sin. The melody is powerful and emotive, adding to the impact of the lyrics. “Oh What a Savior” is a timeless classic that continues to inspire and encourage believers with its message of hope and redemption.
17. Sweet Beulah Land
“Sweet Beulah Land” is a gospel song that has been cherished by Christians around the world for over 30 years. The song was written by Squire Parsons and speaks of the joy and beauty of heaven, the promised land for believers. The lyrics are poetic and uplifting, describing the eternal rest and peace that awaits those who trust in Jesus Christ. The melody is gentle and contemplative, adding to the song’s soothing effect. “Sweet Beulah Land” has been recorded by various artists and remains a favorite in Christian music, offering comfort and hope to believers as they look forward to their heavenly home.
18. I Surrender All
“I Surrender All” is a Christian hymn that has been a beloved classic for over 100 years. The song was written by Judson W. Van DeVenter and speaks of the importance of surrendering one’s life and will to God. The lyrics encourage believers to let go of their fears, doubts, and worries and to trust in God’s perfect plan. The melody is simple and peaceful, adding to the song’s reflective tone. “I Surrender All” continues to be a source of inspiration and encouragement to believers around the world who seek to deepen their faith and surrender their lives to God.
19. Great Is Thy Faithfulness
“Great Is Thy Faithfulness” is a beloved Christian hymn that has been sung for over 100 years. The song was written by Thomas Chisholm and speaks of God’s unchanging love and faithfulness to His people. The lyrics describe the constancy of God’s mercy, grace, and love, even in the midst of life’s uncertainties. The melody is soothing and contemplative, adding to the song’s reflective tone. “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” is a timeless classic that continues to inspire and encourage believers around the world, reminding them of the unending faithfulness of God.
20. ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
“‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” is a Christian hymn that was written by Louisa M. R. Stead in 1882. The song speaks of the comfort and security that believers have in trusting in Jesus Christ. The lyrics say that “Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him / How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er / Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! / Oh, for grace to trust Him more!” The hymn has become a beloved favorite of many and is often sung in church services, especially during times of trial and uncertainty. Its message of trust in God’s faithfulness and goodness continues to inspire and uplift people around the world.
21. A Child of The King
“A Child of the King” is a Christian hymn that was written by Harriet E. Buell in 1877. The song speaks of the assurance and confidence that believers have as children of God. The lyrics say that “My Father is rich in houses and lands / He holdeth the wealth of the world in His hands! / Of rubies and diamonds, of silver and gold / His coffers are full, He has riches untold.” The hymn has become a favorite of many and is often sung in church services, especially during times of worship and celebration. Its message of our identity and inheritance as children of God continues to inspire and uplift people around the world.
22. Ten Thousand Angels
“Ten Thousand Angels” is a Christian song that tells the story of Jesus’ arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane. The song was written by Ray Overholt and speaks of the overwhelming love that Jesus had for humanity, which led Him to willingly endure the cross. The lyrics describe the incredible power that Jesus possessed, which could have easily overcome His captors and saved Him from death, but He chose to surrender Himself for the sake of mankind. The melody is haunting and emotive, adding to the impact of the lyrics. “Ten Thousand Angels” is a moving tribute to Jesus’ sacrificial love for us.
23. Jesus Is Coming Soon
“Jesus Is Coming Soon” is a gospel hymn that was written by R.E. Winsett in the early 20th century. The song’s lyrics describe the signs of the times and the imminent return of Jesus Christ. The melody is upbeat and joyful, and the harmonies of the vocal arrangements are both powerful and uplifting. “Jesus Is Coming Soon” has become a popular hymn in the Southern Gospel tradition, and has been covered by many other artists in the genre. Its message of hope, redemption, and the promise of eternal life continues to inspire and comfort people of faith around the world.
24. I’ve Got That Old Time Religion In My Heart
“I’ve Got That Old Time Religion in My Heart” is a traditional Christian hymn that speaks of the joy and enthusiasm that comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The song emphasizes the simplicity and sincerity of the faith of earlier generations, and encourages believers to hold fast to the timeless truths of the Gospel. The lyrics say that “It was good for Paul and Silas, it was good for the Hebrew children / It was good for our fathers, and it’s good enough for me.” The hymn has become a popular choice for church services and gospel singings, and its message of steadfast faith and joy in Christ continues to inspire and uplift people around the world.
25. We Shall See Jesus
“We Shall See Jesus” is a beloved Southern Gospel hymn that was written by Dianne Wilkinson in the late 20th century. The song’s lyrics describe the believer’s anticipation of seeing Jesus face to face in heaven, and the joy that awaits them there. The melody is emotional and powerful, and the vocal arrangements are both haunting and uplifting. “We Shall See Jesus” has become a popular hymn in the Southern Gospel tradition, and has been covered by many other artists in the genre. Its message of hope, redemption, and the promise of eternal life continues to inspire and comfort people of faith around the world.
26. Sweet Sweet Spirit
“Sweet Sweet Spirit” is a gospel hymn that was written by Doris Akers in the mid-20th century. The song’s lyrics describe the desire for the presence of the Holy Spirit in one’s life, and the joy that comes from feeling the Spirit’s guidance and love. The melody is upbeat and soulful, and the harmonies of the vocal arrangements are both powerful and uplifting. “Sweet Sweet Spirit” has become a beloved hymn in the Southern Gospel tradition, and has been covered by many other artists in the genre. Its message of hope, faith, and the power of the Holy Spirit continues to inspire and comfort people of faith around the world.
27. Pass Me Not
“Pass Me Not” is a Christian hymn that has been cherished for over 150 years. The song was written by Fanny Crosby and speaks of the longing of the soul for God’s mercy and grace. The lyrics describe the desperation of a sinner who pleads with God not to pass them by but to hear their cry for help. The melody is simple and soulful, adding to the song’s emotional depth. “Pass Me Not” continues to be a source of comfort and hope for believers around the world who seek God’s forgiveness and guidance in their lives.
28. I’ll Meet You in the Morning
“I’ll Meet You in the Morning” is a Christian hymn that speaks of the hope and anticipation that believers have in the promise of eternal life with Jesus Christ. The song emphasizes the joy and reunion that will occur when we are reunited with loved ones who have gone before us. The lyrics say that “I’ll meet you in the morning by the bright riverside / When all sorrow has drifted away / I’ll be standing at the portals when the gates open wide / At the close of life’s long, dreary day.” The hymn has become a favorite of many and is often sung in church services, especially during times of comfort and consolation. Its message of hope and assurance continues to inspire and uplift people around the world.
29. Tell Me the Story of Jesus
“Tell Me the Story of Jesus” is a Christian hymn that has been sung for over 100 years. The song was written by Fanny Crosby and speaks of the beauty and wonder of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. The lyrics describe the power of Jesus’ love and sacrifice, which can bring hope and redemption to all who believe. The melody is simple and peaceful, adding to the song’s reflective tone. “Tell Me the Story of Jesus” is a timeless classic that continues to inspire and encourage believers around the world, reminding them of the great love that God has for His people.
30. He Hideth My Soul
“He Hideth My Soul” is a hymn that was written by Fanny Crosby in the late 19th century. The song’s lyrics describe the comfort and protection that comes from a deep faith in God, and the peace that can be found in trusting in His love and mercy. The melody is soothing and uplifting, and the vocal arrangements are both powerful and tender. “He Hideth My Soul” has become a beloved hymn in the Christian tradition, and has been covered by many other artists in various genres. Its message of hope, faith, and the enduring strength of God’s love continues to inspire and comfort people of faith around the world.
31. Your First Day in Heaven
“Your First Day in Heaven” is a Christian hymn that speaks of the joy and wonder that believers will experience when they enter into the presence of Jesus Christ in heaven. The song describes the sights and sounds of heaven, and the overwhelming love and peace that will be felt in the presence of God. The lyrics say that “Your first day in heaven, when you stroll down the golden avenue / There’ll be someone there to share it all with you / A smile of love will be on his face, and the joy of heaven in his embrace / And you’ll know he’s been waiting for you.” The hymn has become a favorite of many and is often sung in church services, especially during times of reflection and anticipation. Its message of hope and assurance continues to inspire and uplift people around the world.
32. When They Ring Those Golden Bells
“When They Ring Those Golden Bells” is a Christian hymn that has been cherished for over 100 years. The song was written by Dion De Marbelle and speaks of the joy and excitement that believers will experience when they enter heaven. The lyrics describe the beauty and splendor of heaven, where believers will be reunited with loved ones who have gone before them. The melody is joyful and uplifting, adding to the song’s celebratory tone. “When They Ring Those Golden Bells” is a timeless classic that continues to inspire and encourage believers around the world, reminding them of the glorious future that awaits them in heaven.
33. How Big Is God?
“How Big Is God?” is a gospel hymn that was written by Stuart Hamblen in the mid-20th century. The song’s lyrics explore the vastness and majesty of God, and the humbling realization of how small we are in comparison. The melody is gentle and contemplative, and the vocal arrangements are both tender and awe-inspiring. “How Big Is God?” has become a popular hymn in the Southern Gospel tradition, and has been covered by many other artists in the genre. Its message of reverence, wonder, and the boundless power of God continues to inspire and comfort people of faith around the world.
34. Oh I Love Jesus
“Oh, I Love Jesus” is a Christian hymn that expresses the deep affection and devotion that believers have for Jesus Christ. The song emphasizes the love and gratitude that we have for Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross. The lyrics say that “Oh, I love Jesus, because He first loved me / And purchased my salvation on Calvary’s tree / I love Him for wearing the thorns on His brow / He first loved me, oh, I love Him now!” The hymn has become a favorite of many and is often sung in church services, especially during times of worship and reflection. Its message of love and gratitude for Christ’s sacrifice continues to inspire and uplift people around the world.
35. There Rose A Lamb by Gold City
“There Rose A Lamb” is a powerful Christian song by Gold City that speaks of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. The lyrics describe the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, highlighting the sacrifice that He made for our sins. The song celebrates the victory that Jesus achieved over death and the hope that His resurrection brings to all believers. The melody is uplifting and soulful, adding to the song’s emotional impact. “There Rose A Lamb” is a moving tribute to Jesus’ sacrifice and a reminder of the hope and redemption that He offers to all who believe in Him.
36. Give The World A Smile
“Give The World A Smile” is a classic gospel hymn that was written by Otis Dewey Mullins in the mid-20th century. The song’s lyrics encourage believers to spread joy and love to others, and to share the good news of the Gospel with the world. The melody is upbeat and catchy, and the vocal arrangements are both lively and joyful. “Give The World A Smile” has become a beloved hymn in the Southern Gospel tradition, and has been covered by many other artists in the genre. Its message of positivity, hope, and the power of the Gospel to transform lives continues to inspire and uplift people of faith around the world.
37. A Child Of The King
“A Child of the King” is a Christian hymn that celebrates the believer’s identity as a child of God. The song speaks of the assurance and confidence that comes from being a part of God’s family, and the blessings and inheritance that we receive as His children. The lyrics say that “My Father is rich in houses and lands / He holdeth the wealth of the world in His hands! / Of rubies and diamonds, of silver and gold / His coffers are full, He has riches untold.” The hymn has become a favorite of many and is often sung in church services, especially during times of worship and celebration. Its message of our identity and inheritance as children of God continues to inspire and uplift people around the world.
38. Whosoever Will May Come to Jesus
“Whosoever Will May Come to Jesus” is a Christian song that invites all people to come to Jesus and receive salvation. The lyrics emphasize that Jesus’ love is available to all, regardless of their past or present circumstances. The song encourages listeners to turn to Jesus and find hope and healing in Him. The melody is uplifting and catchy, making the song easy to sing and remember. “Whosoever Will May Come to Jesus” is a powerful invitation to accept Jesus’ offer of salvation and experience the peace and joy that comes with a life surrendered to Him.
39. Rose of Sharon
“Rose of Sharon” is a traditional gospel hymn that has been sung for generations. The song’s lyrics reference the biblical description of Jesus as the “Rose of Sharon,” and the beauty and majesty of His love and grace. The melody is soothing and tender, and the vocal arrangements are both reverent and inspiring. “Rose of Sharon” has become a beloved hymn in the Christian tradition, and has been covered by many other artists in various genres. Its message of love, hope, and the enduring strength of Christ’s love continues to inspire and comfort people of faith around the world.
40. Child Of The King Beloved
“Child of the King” is a gospel hymn that was written by Harriet Buell in the early 20th century. The song’s lyrics describe the believer’s identity as a child of God and the comfort and security that comes from that relationship. The melody is gentle and comforting, and the vocal arrangements are both powerful and tender. “Child of the King” has become a popular hymn in the Southern Gospel tradition, and has been covered by many other artists in the genre. Its message of identity, belonging, and the enduring love of God continues to inspire and comfort people of faith around the world.
41. All in the Name of Jesus
“All in the Name of Jesus” is a Christian hymn that speaks of the joy and purpose that comes from living a life devoted to Jesus Christ. The song emphasizes the love and sacrifice that Christ made for us on the cross, and encourages believers to follow His example of selflessness and service. The lyrics say that “All in the name of Jesus, all for the love of God / All in the name of Jesus, we give our lives away / For the cause of the Gospel, for the sake of the lost / All in the name of Jesus, we will go all the way.” The hymn has become a favorite of many and is often sung in church services, especially during times of worship and commitment. Its message of selfless devotion and service to Christ continues to inspire and challenge people around the world.
42. I’m Climbing Up the Mountain
“I’m Climbing Up the Mountain” is a Christian song that speaks of the journey of faith and the hope that believers have in Christ. The lyrics describe the climb of the mountain as a metaphor for the spiritual journey, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and trust in God. The song encourages listeners to keep climbing, even when the road is difficult, and to trust that God will provide strength and guidance along the way. The melody is upbeat and joyful, adding to the song’s celebratory tone. “I’m Climbing Up the Mountain” is an uplifting reminder of the hope and strength that we have in Christ.
43. Then I Met the Master
“Then I Met the Master” is a Christian hymn that speaks of the transformative power of encountering Jesus Christ. The song emphasizes the love and grace that Christ extends to us, and the profound change that takes place when we surrender our lives to Him. The lyrics say that “Then I met the Master, now I am one of His own / Bought by His blood, I’m His and His alone / And when I’m tempted, I can call on His name / He’ll never leave me, He’s always the same.” The hymn has become a favorite of many and is often sung in church services, especially during times of testimony and reflection. Its message of redemption and transformation through Christ continues to inspire and uplift people around the world.
44. We Shall Behold Him
“We Shall Behold Him” is a powerful gospel hymn that was written by Dottie Rambo in the mid-20th century. The song’s lyrics describe the awe-inspiring moment when believers will finally see Jesus face to face in heaven, and the joy and wonder that will come from that encounter. The melody is emotional and soaring, and the vocal arrangements are both tender and passionate. “We Shall Behold Him” has become a beloved hymn in the Southern Gospel tradition, and has been covered by many other artists in the genre. Its message of hope, redemption, and the promise of eternal life continues to inspire and comfort people of faith around the world.
45. Jesus Holds the Keys
“Jesus Holds the Keys” is a Christian song that speaks of the victory that believers have in Christ over sin and death. The lyrics describe the power of Jesus, who holds the keys to death and Hades, and the hope that His victory brings to all who believe in Him. The song celebrates the freedom that we have in Christ and the promise of eternal life with Him. The melody is powerful and inspiring, adding to the song’s emotional impact. “Jesus Holds the Keys” is a moving tribute to Jesus’ victory and a reminder of the hope and joy that we have in Him.
46. He Knows Just What I Need
“He Knows Just What I Need” is a Christian hymn that speaks of the comfort and assurance that believers can find in Jesus Christ. The song emphasizes the intimate relationship that we have with Jesus, and the way that He understands our needs and struggles. The lyrics say that “My Jesus knows just what I need / Oh yes, He knows just what I need / He satisfies and every need supplies / Yes, He knows just what I need.” The hymn has become a favorite of many and is often sung in church services, especially during times of worship and prayer. Its message of the sufficiency and compassion of Christ continues to inspire and comfort people around the world.
47. I’m Bound for the Kingdom
“I’m Bound for the Kingdom” is a gospel hymn that speaks of the believer’s journey towards their ultimate destination in heaven. The lyrics describe the joys and struggles of this earthly life, but ultimately express a sense of hope and assurance in the promise of eternal life. The melody is upbeat and lively, with a strong emphasis on harmony and vocal arrangements. “I’m Bound for the Kingdom” has become a popular hymn in the Southern Gospel tradition, and has been covered by many other artists in the genre. Its message of hope, perseverance, and the promise of eternal glory continues to inspire and uplift people of faith around the world.
48. God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It
“God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It” is a Christian song that emphasizes the importance of faith and trust in God’s word. The lyrics declare the truth and authority of God’s word, encouraging listeners to believe and obey it. The song celebrates the power and truth of the Bible and the hope that it brings to all who believe in it. The melody is uplifting and energetic, adding to the song’s joyful tone. “God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It” is a powerful reminder of the importance of faith and obedience to God’s word in the life of a believer.
49. Goodby, World, Goodby
“Goodby, World, Goodby” is a Christian hymn that speaks of the believer’s hope and anticipation for the eternal life to come. The song emphasizes the temporary nature of this world, and the assurance that we have as Christians of our ultimate destination in heaven. The lyrics say that “Now don’t you weep for me when I’m gone / For I won’t have to leave here alone / And when I hear that last trumpet sound / My feet won’t stay on the ground.” The hymn has become a favorite of many and is often sung in church services, especially during times of reflection and preparation. Its message of hope and anticipation for eternal life continues to inspire and comfort people around the world.
50. At The Crossing
“At The Crossing” is a traditional gospel hymn that has been sung for generations. The song’s lyrics describe the moment of salvation when a believer crosses over from sin and darkness into the light of God’s grace. The melody is simple and earnest, and the vocal arrangements are both heartfelt and passionate. “At The Crossing” has become a beloved hymn in the Christian tradition, and has been covered by many other artists in various genres. Its message of redemption, forgiveness, and the transformative power of God’s love continues to inspire and comfort people of faith around the world.